Our learning assessments usually cost $2,530.00. This is true if we are assessing for 1 issue, like a learning disability. If there are more questions to answer like: does the child have a learning disability and ADHD, then the cost goes up slightly. We will let you know if we think there is another issue to be assessed during the assessment process; your consent is needed before we proceed as well. Please see the table under the Assessments Fee tab for rates across all types of assessments.

Assessment Deposit Required: There is a $1,000.00 deposit required on the first day of the assessment for most assessments.

Our in-office therapy or parent coaching session fees vary depending on who you see in the practice. We range from $130.00 to $210.00 per hour.

It is greatly appreciated to receive payment before the end of each therapy / parent coaching session.

For ABA / IBI services that are either in office or out of the offices, families are are billed at the end of the month. Payment is greatly appreciated within one month of receipt of the invoices.

  • e-transfer ¹
  • Regular cheque ²
  • Certified cheque ³
  • Cash

¹ Delivered a minimum 3 business days in advance (due to bank delays)
² For in-office therapy sessions
³ For assessments

Assessment Cost
Learning Difficulties ¹ $2,530.00
Learning Difficulties + ADHD $2,730.00
ADHD $1,575.00 - $2,375.00
Autism Screening $730.00
Autism ² $3,495.00 - $4,420.00
Autism + Cognitive test (IQ test) ² $4,095.00 - $4,860.00
Giftedness $1,575.00 - $2,375.00
Giftedness + Learning Difficulties $2,530.00
Giftedness + ADHD ¹ $2,175.00 - $2,375.00
Giftedness + ADHD + Learning Difficulties ¹ $2,730.00
Intellectual Disability $1,575.00 - $2,375.00
Emotional Difficulties (like anxiety & depression) These types of assessments are conducted during one hour appointments, at $210.00/hr

¹ Often includes screening for emotional & behavioural difficulties.
² Autism assessments have a range as our experience is telling us that with age, the assessments are more complex and thus require more time.

Often times, when a child or youth is referred for emotional or behavioural difficulties, parents are looking for therapy, not just an assessment. Personal/family history is usually taken during the 1-hour office appointments, and questionnaires are given. Assessing the emotional difficulties are part of the cost of therapy.