Parent-Led CBT Group
For young children with anxiety
This group is for parents and caregivers of children aged 4-7 with anxiety concerns. Participants will learn how to identify signs and symptoms, and learn strategies and tools to help their children manage their anxiety.
Workshop will run Tuesdays from 6:00 - 7:30 PM, from April 2 - May 21, 2024.
To read more about the workshop click here .
Interested? Send email inquiries to
Social Skills development with our certified PEERS trainer
This internationally acclaimed program was developed at UCLA by Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson. To find out more, click here.
We will offer this program once we have enough interested people. Please email us at , or call us at (519) 639-6145 to register.
This program is from Elevatus Training.
From our sexuality educator, your teen will learn about dating, friendships, how to be safe on the internet, and sexuality.
To find out more, click here.
We will offer this program once we have enough interested people. Please email us at , or call us at (519) 639-6145 to register.
ASD Screening Clinic
We offer an Autism Spectrum Disorders Screening Clinic
Appointments are 3 hours long. It is important that parents and the child/teen be present. We will ask you questions, observe your young playing, and, if possible, have a conversation with your child/teen. At the end of the session we provide a report and make recommendations for next steps.
To read more about our process please click here .
To book an appointment, please call our intake line at (519) 639-6145 . Our intake coordinator works full time for us and answers the phone at various points during the day like lunch time and the end of the day.
Detecting early signs of autism
From Florida State University and their First Words Project comes very helpful and concise information on detecting early signs of autism.
To learn what babies and toddlers do naturally and what some early signs of autism look like, click here.
Find out more at:
Keeping children safe during the night
Do you have a child who wanders out of their bedroom at night?
We recently asked the London Fire Dept for advice because locking a child in their bedroom is against the Fire Code. Here is what we learned: Any bedroom door alarm works well, possibly one with a silent mode that sends a signal to the parents' cell phones. A few options have mild sounds that alert parents but are a normal sounds to children. The cellphone signal option is quite good.
Here's an example: Braumm WiFi Door and Window Smart Sensor Alarm (Amazon Canada)
Participate in Online Emotional Research!
Looking for adolescents with ASD and/or ADHD or typical development, aged 12-18, and their primary caregiver
This online study is looking at the emotional life of adolescents with ASD, ADHD, or neurotypical controls. Participants and their caregivers will complete a few questionnaires and receive a $20 and a $10 Amazon gift card for their time.
Interested in participating? Please contact us for more information.
(613) 533-2894
ASD Studies @ Queens - Current Studies